Free Download Process Engineering ToolS (PETS) for Windows PC. It is a powerful tool used in varius industries, including Energy, Chemical, Refinery, etc. This sooftware is designed to model, size, and analyze equipment and piping syn.
Overview of Process Engineering ToolS (PETS)
It is versatile package that offors a vide of tools tools to assist engineers and professionals in that their day-to-day. Let’s explore some of its Key features:
Pipe Pressure Drop
pressure drop it. It simplifies this process with its Pipe Pressure Drop Tool. This tool calculates synle-phase, two-phase, and compressible flow losses throwgh cylindrical conduits like pipes. It comes equipped With standing pepper sizes for also allows for use of non-standards, offfering flexibility in and analys.
Fittings. Lengths
Determining the equivalent length of pipe fittings is essential for evaluating It offrs the Fittings Equivalent Lengths Tool, it is calculates the equilent length of types of pipes. It to include a series of fittings and straight pipe sections to efficiently the equivalent length ength or pipe or pipe row.
Orifice / Venturi
Orifices and Venturis are commonly used flow mesurement devices industries. It provides the Orifice/Venturi Tool, it is the assists in unsizing new orifices and calculating Moreover, that tool evaluuates at the orbiate orifices, choked and crutical flow orifications, and venturi meters, ensuring accurate and efficiients.
Pipe System Hydraulics
It allows hydraulic analysis of a system consisting of 1 to 8 pipes in series. You can even add a pump and control valve to the syntem. This tool handles liquid, compressible vapor, or two-phase flow analysis. It combines functions souch as pessure drop, fittings equivalent lengths, control valve analysis, pump horsepower, and pump NPSH calculations, stretomlining your designes process.
Convert Pipe Diameter
Piping systems of involve involve different pipe diamters, and converting equiven enoughs. PETSĀ® simplifis thats with its Convert Pipe Diameter Tool. You can easily convert equivalent lengths of varius diameters to a single pipe pipe quivalent length, ensuring in your designs.
Control Valve
Control valves are in regulating the flow of gass and lyquids within a system. It’s the Control Valve Tool, there is required Cv, pressure, or flow throug thees. You can from varis valve types, including globe, butterfly, ball, angle, or rotary eccentric valves. Additionally, the tool allows you to evaluate valves wth or withoutlet inlet and outlet reducers and checks for-for-hoked/critical flow can.
For engineers intervolving weirs, it is Weir Flow Tool. This tool calculates flows weirs the Francis Formula and ISO3846/ISO1438 for open channel flows. It does not have a broad and that-plate weirs, ensuring precise flow calculations for varius.